Mammootty who is known for promoting talents will once again partner with Prithviraj in the movie Pollachi Raja which was earlier titled Pokkiri Raja. Mammooty introduced directors Blessy, Lal Jose, Anwar Rasheed and Amal Neerad. He also introduced and backed many comedians like Bijukkuttan, Suraaj Venjarammood etc.
Mammootty played a character named Bellary Raja in the super hit Rajamanikyam. In this film mega star is getting ready to enact another Raja character, Pollachi Raja.
Prithviraj who became an integral part of Malayalam films have proved to be a solo hero with the success of Puthiya Mugham. He will be seen as Mammoottys brother in Pollachi Raja in which he replaced Narain. Prithvis character will be Sudhi. Planned with Narain this change is due to the clash of dates that Narain had, since his big project in Tamil Pookkada Ravi is not completed.
This is the second time Prithviraj is getting a chance to share the screen with Mammootty. Their first outing was with Bipin Prabhakar directed One-way Ticket, which didnt fare well at the box office. Prithviraj was seen as jeep driver who is an ardent fan of superstar Mammootty. Mammootty did a cameo role in the movie.
Casting is brought by debutante director Vaishakh Abraham, who will start directing the stars from January.
Director Vaishak was earlier a television anchor and associate of directors Johnny Antony and Joshy.
The filmmaker is on the look out for two suitable heroines for this movie.
Sibi K Thomas Udhaya Krishna team is in the scripting department and P. Sukumar will be in charge of the camera. Jassie Gift will score the music.
Other crews are to be decided.
Produced by Tomichchan Mulagupaadam under the banner of Mulagupaadam Films it will be distributed by Mulakupadam release. Pollachi Raja will be the Vishu offering of Mammooty and Prithviraj.
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