Joshei's multi starrer with Mohanlal, Suresh Gopi, Dileep and Tamil star Arjun will start shooting from November 15th. The movie will mark Kavya Madhavans comeback to films. She is the heroine of Mohanlal. The last movies they worked together were Maadambi and Twenty 20, which were well appreciated.
The film also has Padmapriya who play the role of Mohanlals sister and Kavya will play the role of his wife on screen. Suresh Gopi and Dileep will play the role of Mohanlals younger brothers and Arjun will play a character with negative shade. Model turned actress Parvathy Melton will do a cameo.
Kerala Film Producers Association (KFPA) has said that Christian Brothers should be banned as they believes a film with a superstar should not go beyond Rs 3.5 crores and filming should be completed in 45 days of time. The film roll should not exceed 60,000 feet.
KFPA feels that Christian Brothers is a big budget film and its cost will exceed Rs 3.5 Crore hence they are banning it.
The film is scripted by Siby K Thomas and Udayakrishna.
Lyric by Girish Puthenchery and music is by Suresh Peters. Manoj Pillai will wield the camera.
The film is expected to be shot in a single schedule of fifty days and will have March 2010 release. Christian Brothers is produced by A V Anoop and Subair under the banners of Varanchitra Bigscreen and AVA Productions.
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